Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sometimes You Have to Lie

So, potty training is really the biggest milestone that I have been dreading in a major way! I have no clue what I'm doing! The fact that I've gotten so much mixed information from books, magazines, and other parents doesn't help! Mallory has hit most milestones early so I thought that potty training would be the same. However, we have been fighting this battle for a long time now! It would usually end with a puddle on the floor and a crying meltdown begging for a diaper! (Begging by Mallory, not me!) I tried little gifts every time she would go, candy for going, blah blah blah. Then I thought maybe she just wasn't ready and began listening to everyone who was making it sound like one day she will just come to me and tell me she was done with diapers. Yeah right!
So, Monday I told a little white lie, that there weren't anymore diapers that would fit her. It's close to the truth since she was wearing size 6 and rapidly growing out of them. After a bit of a struggle, once we got the underwear on her it's been great! Two accidents the first day, one accident the second day and dry overnight, no accidents the third day and dry overnight! The kid even goes in and poops alone which she wouldn't even do in her diaper! I'm wondering why I didn't lie sooner!? I'm also wondering how to explain this later in her life should it ever come up!